Additionally, there are pictures here used by other programs in other scales:
As the above list shows, the many of the pictures were drawn to let them move on the screen by a program. That is the main goal of this collection - the collection is in first place for the Traffic / WTraffic screensaver. Pictures originated from other sources are converted for use in Traffic. The most spectacular change is made for the "Showcase" drawings - 4 views of a staying vehicle (for example: Pixel cars), which are cut to 4 individual pictures, left and right side are for moving, often becoming animated wheels, front and back pictures are for background scenes. The pictures were made transparent, so that they can move before background pictures - photos, drawings or mixed constructions.
This hobbies - drawing small 2D vehicle pictures either for screensaver programs/other animation possibilities, or only to enjoy the static views - lost their popularity in the last decade. There are pictures from more, than thousand authors in the collection, and only a few dozen are active today. Some homepages of the authors are still online without updates, but many of them disappeared. The Wayback machine preserved some parts of them, but especially in the early times the Wayback Machine did not stored the pictures, only some HTML pages - so this collection is the only place the drawings are available.
Each community can use the collection of the others as a source for its work. Resizing the pictures in either direction does not result in high quality drawings, but it can give ideas about what to draw, what is missing, and if the existing picture is in a larger scale than the target scale, one can use the existing drawings as a base for further work. Additionally, a large scale picture resized to a smaller size (at least to half size, but possible more) can be used in the screensaver, when moving, one cannot look thoroughly at each pixel. It is a good auxiliary solution, when a whole theme is missing from a scale, but is drawn in another.
This site is in no way a replacement for the authors' sites,
because the individual style of the source page and the descriptions about the
vehicles are missing here.
You often find photos and the history of the vehicles on the authors' sites -
and you will find the newest pictures on the authors' sites first.
There were many sites from railway clubs or fans, who draw or
show only the vehicles they are interested in or which they own--and they know the most about them.
The author's site is only one click away from you while browsing
this collection. Just click on the icon.
Sometimes the author's homepage doesn't contain any pictures for the screensavers. It may deal with other railway-related themes. Many authors show their screensaver pictures only in collections or on other homepages than their own.
As time goes by, many homepages with vehicle drawings - which served
as a source for this collection, disappeard. A few of them is preserved
in the PiXelTRain Museum.
If you have somewhere on your harddisc a saved site with vehicle pictures -
either your own site, if you lost interest in the hobby, or someone other's site,
with vehicle side drawings, which is not online any more, please contact me
by e-mail to